Surviving Allergy Season
Hey girls! We all know its allergy season and itchy eyes are here till this dreaded pollen disappears. Pollen has been a problem of mine since I was young. I have been dealing with this since I was young and nothing ever worked for me. I literally had tried so many allergy medicines especially for my itchy eyes. My eyes would get so bad to the point that people would think I had gotten a black eye or it would look like I was crying. This obviously didn't make me look better and loads of concealer to make my swollen eyes better was just not working and making it worse. So my first tip for you is DO NOT RUB YOUR EYES! This will make them red and look worse so if you do have an urge to rub your eyes an ice pack would help cool it down and help the itching. My second tip for all you reading this is get eye drops that work best for you. They will relive itchiness and wash out any dreaded pollen. An eye drop that really works for me is Naphcon A. This is the most amazing eye drop and completely cleans out my eyes. My 3rd tip you might find kind of gross but I promise it will work for clogged and stuffed up noses. Mix a half a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water and fill an aspirator with it, tilt your head back and slowly breathe in the salt water. I know this isn't something people say yes to in an instant but this really works. My allergies were actually really acting up in school one day and this is what the nurse had me do and my nose was clear for the rest of the day. I really hope these 3 key tips will help you beat allergy season. Also remember to check out my youtube macmania98.Thanks
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